Hệ thống quản lý chất của Accons luôn được cập nhật, cải tiến để hạn chế tối đa những sai sót, lãng phí nhằm mang lại kết quả tốt nhất, thỏa mãn mọi yêu cầu từ khách hàng cho từng sản phẩm mà Accons cùng cấp.




Construction design is a special product, asset of customer, a place where many people live and work, and have a long service life.  Therefore, any technical or aesthetic defect, any improper investment, or any unreasonable management intervention that could lead to a bad product, not only waste the property of customer but also society, with lasting effects through many years. Therefore, we understand that the accuracy and reasonable implementation of the quality commitment will help customer reduce the risks of construction.


Accordingly, VIET CONNECTION CO.,LTD together with its employees commit to implement the quality commitment anytime, anywhere, and any position. That quality commitment is supported by professional training and education policies, updating, and improving existing quality processes, new technical processes, investing in advanced equipment for the purpose of understanding, managing, and eliminating risks in the process of performing construction work. We also commit to comprehensive cooperate with the investor and related partners participating in the implementation and sharing useful information with the goal of maintaining and improving the construction quality.



Our experiences bring the most satisfaction