Branch of VIET CONNECTION COMPANY  LIMITED was established and operated under the business registration certificate No. 0304976474-001 dated April 01, 04, 2016




Branch of VIET CONNECTION COMPANY LIMITED was established and operated under the business registration certificate No. 0304976474-001 dated April 01, 04, 2016 issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City, with the main field of activity being construction and installation of civil works, interior and exterior design of works, …


On the rise, Vietconnection has gradually affirmed its brand and reputation. With financial potential, solid experience, and a team of professionally trained, progressive and innovative staff, Vietconnection strives continuously in all circumstances to affirm and enhance its position. in the construction field, maintaining trust in the minds of customers and partners. A series of large-scale, high-value projects trusted by partners such as: Hilton Da Nang hotel, Nam Hoi An resort, Ben Thanh - Ho Tram resort, Scenia hotel... are the best proof for Vietconnection's success today.


Orienting for the future, Vietconnection's Board of Directors sets a vision and strategy to develop the company to become one of the leading reputable and professional contractors in Southern Vietnam. Vietconnection's staff always strives to perfect and improve working processes, not afraid to change to make a difference. We believe that the values being cultivated by Vietconnection today will be the strongest foundation to help Vietconnection move forward strongly.


Our experiences bring the most satisfaction